Welcome to Web 1.1
The World of Web 2.0
What is Web 2.0?
Web 2.0 has many different aspects to it. Things like blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, and social bookmarking are some technologies that make up Web 2.0. Currently there is no definition for Web 2.0, but Tim O'Reilly made an attempt to define it in a conference. He broke it down into different themes that included: O'Reilly also broke it down into a heirarchy of Web 2.0 ness.
The biggest thing to remember about all this is Web 2.0 is all about participation. The more people that participate, the more Web 2.0 works.
Where can I find Web 2.0?
Web 2.0 can be found all across the internet. Most of you probably use it all the time and may or may not even know it. Facebook, the popular social networking site is a good example of Web 2.0. Any site where you make the information is Web 2.0. Here is a site that is a directory to over 1200 Web 2.0 sites
For my project, I created a website that I will claim as Web 2.0.
Check it out here!
Many people say Web 2.0 is all hype, and its not the big revolution people think it is. Critics say Web 2.0 has been around before the term even emerged. For instance, Amazon.com has allowed users to write reviews on products since 1995. Tim Breners-Lee described Web 2.0 as a "peice of jargon" that "nobody really knows what it means". He also said, "if Web 2.0 for you is wikis and blogs, then that is people to people. But that was what the Web was supposed to be all along."
The arguement also exisits that Web 2.0 does not represent a new version of the World Wide Web at all, just merely a continuation of Web 1.0 technologies and concepts. Things like Ajax, which is widely considered a Web 2.0 technology, do not replace underlying protocols like HTTP, but add an additional layer of abstraction on top of them.